Wednesday 08 May 2024
Los Angeles 2008 !
Saturday 26 July 2008

Alessandro came back !

fotogallery e brevi cenni sull'avventura BJJ che ho passato in questi duri ma splendidi 24 giorni negli USA.

Ciao !


Alessandro con il mitico Rorion Gracie - cintura rossa...
Rorion Gracie, cintura rossa di Gracie JJ !!! Un genio. Grazie a lui tutto il mondo conosce ora il Bjj.

In the late 70's, Rorion Gracie went to America with the objective of enlighterin the martial arts community to the importance of ground fighting - the most important yet most neglected aspect of a real fight. Gracie Jiu Jitsu representatives proved, time and time again that 95% of all real fights will go into a clinch and eventually end up on the ground.

Then, in 1993, when Professor Rorion created the "Ultimate Fighting Championship", and Gracie Jiu Jitsu took the fighting world by storm, the martial arts community could no longer ignore the need for ground fighting techniques. Since then, practitioners of all styles have benefited from incorporating the principles of Jiu Jitsu to their training; most of them changed completely choosing Jiu Jitsu like "life style".

At present, he's the founder, owner and head professor of the Gracie JJ Academy Torrance (LA) with thousands of students ( 

 That's why I use to describe Master Rorion Gracie like a real Genius !

Thanks to Jiu Jitsu, a lot of clowns of martial arts world disappeared and more will disappear !

Thanks to Rorion we're all here to enjoy Jiu Jitsu. Thank you !!!

< Prec.   Pros. >